# Room look examine nightstand take bag down # Saloon talk to woman # How are you doing? 1 # Looks wild in here. 1 # A coffee please. 1 # There was a fight? 1 # Mifflin? Doesn't ring a bell. 1 # End 0 examine counter drink coffee take cookie out # Main Street / Ranch examine buildings w talk to woman # May I help you Ma'am? 1 # Who is Michael? 1 # Do you have any idea what might have happened? 2 # Flashback 1 / Sheriff talk to Sheriff # What happened? How did I get here? 1 # What about Lucy? 1 # Why is this my problem now? 1 # Can you tell me something about Lucy? 1 # May I leave now? 1 # End 0 get bag out open bag w w take hankie e e ne # Barber examine barber talk to barber # Moin? Is that French or something? 1 # What brought you here? 1 # Gunshot wound? I thought you were a barber. 1 # So Molly is your wife? 1 # Why was Molly at sea with you again? 1 # Any idea how to get into the mine? 2 # End 0 talk to Molly take Molly i use cookie on Molly take Molly talk to Marten # May I borrow Molly for a little while? 2 # End 0 take Molly out w s # Wind Pump / Hill Chain examine mast take rod w examine boulder field l examine boulder use rod with crevice e n e drop rod e n # General Store talk to Bill # How's it going? 1 # What's for sale here? 1 # I can't read most of the labels. 1 # Do you happen to know where Lucy is? 1 # Lucy has gone missing. 1 # Do you have a chisel or something like that? 1 # What the heck is a gooseneck? 1 # Can I have a look maybe? 1 # Where are your pince-nez? 1 # End 0 out # Gallows and Cemetery e n examine cross 1 2 3 4 0 s w n talk to Bill # Um, what is your wife's name? 1 # End 0 out e n examine grave 1 # Mathilda's grave (Bill's wife) 2 0 s w n talk to Bill # I believe I've found your pince-nez. 1 # Could you have another look for that crowbar now? 1 # End 0 take crowbar s w take rod s w # Hill Chain use crowbar with crevice use rod with crevice # Flashback 2 / Cave l n e w n s e n e s # Saloon examine ceiling examine lamp take lamp pull chair take lamp talk to woman # Have you seen Lucy? 1 # I think I've found Lucy's hankie. 1 # Close to the mine entrance west of here. 1 # Can I borrow that lamp? 1 # End 0 take lamp examine lamp turn on lamp talk to woman # Do you have anything I could use to light the lamp? 1 # End 0 n n # General Store talk to Bill # Do you sell matches? 1 # End 0 take matches use matches on lamp s w s w n n # Cave examine precipice down run to Bill talk to Bill # I have to climb down the mine. Do you have a rope or something? 1 # What did they need the rope for? 1 # End 0 s no # Barber talk to Marten # Were you there when the gallows were built? 1 # Bill said there must have been a lot of rope left over, do you know where that went? 1 # End 0 out e # Gallows examine platform take sand w no talk to Marten # You must have a shovel, right? 1 # May I borrow your shovel? It is really important. 1 # End 0 out e use shovel on sand examine plate use crowbar on plate examine opening take rope w w s w n use rope on precipice use rope on rock down # Vault examine man examine niche examine Michael use revolver on man talk to man drop hankie s hit man use shovel on man talk to man examine man look examine niche up talk to couple # Everything okay with you? 1 # What happened to you? 1 look e examine entrance examine cart examine wedge # Showdown use revolver with men use revolver with cart use revolver with wedge # Sheriff take papers talk to Sheriff # What happened? 1 # How's your head, Michael? 1 # What were you doing there anyway? 1 # What were they doing in that cave? 1 # What happened to your mother? 1 # Where is Thompson? 1 # What exactly did they produce? 1 # What an effort! 1 # Michael, do you know this woman? 1 # Where was she going? 1 # I have to get there as quickly as possible! 1 # Here's your hankie. It sure helped me a lot. 1 # End 1 look quit yes